The Grasswire Style Guide. Always a work in progress. ~New Stories ~STYLES A aborigine accents active shooter Afghan Afghani ages air base air strike al- al-Qaeda al-Qaeda in Islamic Maghreb al-Shabaab ampersands Ansar Bait al-Maqdis apostrophes Arab League Araud, Gérard asylum-seeker Aung San Suu Kyi B al-Baghdadi, Abu Bakr B'Tselem Boko Haram Britain British Isles Burma el-Baghdadi, Iyad C Caribbean casualties Catalonia Central America Christianity citizen vs. person colon commando Connacht consulate crore The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormon Church) D Daesh dates E ellipsis (dot dot dot) embassy Erdoğan, Recep Tayyip F feck FIFA firefighter Football G Gambia gender neutrality Gulf Cooperation Council H headlines hyphens I Ireland ISIS Islam Islamic State Island of Ireland J Jaish-e-Mohammed K Kashmir Khamenei, Ali Knesset Korea L lakh Latin America M mass killing mass murder measurement migrant militant months MSF Myanmar N names NGO North America Northern Ireland numbers O Oxford comma P PEGIDA percent periods Pope Francis Pope Hat pound (measurement) prefixes punctuation Q R refugee regime reverse ferret Royal Air Force S Saudi Arabia scare quotes semicolon South America space (character) spokesperson symbols T TD time transgender vs. transvestite U U.K. U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees U.S. UEFA Ulster United Arab Emirates United Nations United States V W Washington, D.C. Wilayat Sinai X Y Z